Welcome to my world of intarsia, Kokopelli, Native American flutes, wood puzzles, oil paintings, stamp collecting, and poetry!
These pages reflect just a few of my multi-faceted interests, as well as my wacky personality. Clicking on the rainbow-colored buttons will lead you to my personal pages with woodworking and painting images, stories, poetry and information written by yours truly. On those pages you can find links to other people's sites that are related to what you just read on mine. Bear in mind that this is NOT a definitive list of my interests, and I'm subject to change upon whim and without notice. Woman's perogative, ya know!Just click on the buttons below to see my personal pages. If you pause with your mouse pointer over each button, you will get a description of where it will lead you when it is clicked on.
Wow! I finally got enough HTML figured out to earn this!!
But, if something doesn't work correctly, feedback is greatly appreciated! You can click on the mailbox below to contact me via e-mail."I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world"
-- Albert Einstein.
You can send
e-mail to: [email protected]
I can also be reached via ICQAND...If you're interested in hand-crafted single or double Native American Flutes, click HERE to contact my dear friend, "Kokopelli", and be sure to check out his flute pictures and sound samples on my intarsia, flutes and woodworking page!
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Updated: November 18, 1998