workNancy Ladd's Cats on Stamps Site

Pardon my dust, but this

Cats on Stamps

page is still under construction and I am feverishly working to get it done.

I am an avid collector of Domestic Cats on Postage Stamps from around the world, and occasionally exhibit parts of my extensive collection. I am in the process of doing research for a book on cat stamps that I have been working on for about 10 years. If you are a cat stamp collector, I'd love to hear from you! My email address is: [email protected] Thanks! underconstruction

I am primarily a topicalist and I exhibit postage stamps under the following categories:

Coelacanth Stamp Exhibit Dodo Birds on Stamps Cats on Stamps Afghan Hounds on Stamps

I also collect stamps and postal stationery from only one country:
Comoro Islands Stamp and Postal Stationery Exhibit

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Updated: November 10, 1998